Wednesday 20 September 2017


23 Healthy Foods To Lower Cholesterol!
High Cholesterol has affected umpteen number of people. Various researches proved that high Cholesterol can be treated by incorporation of healthy food supplements in the diet. Some recent reports of The National Institute of Nutrition recommends that every individual should consume at-least 300 grams of Vegetables (50 gm of green leafy vegetable, 200gms of other vegetables and 50 gms of root vegetables) and 100 grams of fruits in daily routine. Here is the list of 23 superfoods that fights this big monstrous health issue.
1. Beans, Peas and lentils helps in lowering Cholesterol
Beans, peas and lentils are rich source of soluble fibre which helps in lowering Cholesterol. Beans and pulses are high in both protein and fibre but low in fat content. Moreover, beans also contain lecithin which is a nutrient and also helps in reducing Cholesterol.
2. Fatty Fish ( Omega-3) helps in lowering Cholesterol
Fatty fishes like – Tuna, Salmon , Halibut are super rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids is good for heart and has many heart protecting properties. It also helps in improving blood Cholesterol profile or blood lipid profile… But, just be sure not to fry the fish – prefer to bake or grill it!
3. Monounsaturated fats helps lower Cholesterol
Eatables like -Avocados, Peanut butter, Hazelnuts, Almonds and Pecans contains heart – healthy MUFA ( MonoUnsaturated Fatty Acids), which helps in lowering Cholesterol levels. Olive oil and Peanut Oil are also rich source of monounsaturates.
Please note that, all above mentioned food are high in fat calories except Avacados.
4. Grains and Oats also reduces Cholesterol
Soluble fiber found in oats , oat bran, barley, brown rice, helps in lowering Cholesterol. These soluble fibers binds to the bile acids and Cholesterol and leads to excretion of the Cholesterol from the body. Beans, apples, carrots also contains soluble fiber.
5. Nuts helps lower Cholesterol
Nuts contain Plant sterols ,monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which reduces the LDL (bad) Cholesterol. Certain Nuts like – almonds, walnuts, pistachio and pecans are good source of heart healthy fiber, vitamin E and Selenium.
6. Fibre in fruits helps lower Cholesterol
Fruits like- Apples, Pears, Oranges and Grapefruit contain soluble fiber, which helps in reducing Cholesterol. Kidney beans, Psyllium and Barley are also soluble fiber rich foods.
7. Antioxidants prevents Cholesterol damage
Fruits like- Blueberries, grapes and Cranberries protects LDL (bad) Cholesterol from being damaged. Damaged Cholesterol forms sticky plaques which results in Atherosclerosis and increases risk of heart disease.
8. Plant Sterols helps lower Cholesterol
Food Stuffs that are vitalized with plant sterols and Stanols, mainly substances naturally found in many plant foods helps in blocking the absorption of Cholesterol into the bloodstream. Foods such as Orange Juice and Yogurt drinks, Smoothies are often fortified with sterols and stanols.
9. Walnuts helps lower Cholesterol
Walnuts contains MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids) which helps in reducing total Cholesterol and LDL (bad) Cholesterol levels. Walnut also contains Omega-3 fats and antioxidants which reverses the arterial damage caused by saturated fats.
10. Blueberries helps lower Cholesterol
Blueberries contains a special antioxidant – Pterostilbene which effectively reduces Cholesterol levels. Blueberries are also rich source of soluble fiber and other powerful heart – healthy Vitamins.
11. Salmon helps lower Cholesterol
Salmon also known as Fatty Fish is a rich source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids – which raises HDL (good) Cholesterol level and reduces LDL (bad) Cholesterol. Omega – 3 fatty acids remarkably reduces power of triglycerides.
12. Garlic helps lower Cholesterol
Various studies have shown that eating garlic regularly reduces LDL (bad) Cholesterol and increases HDL (good) Cholesterol level. The main reason behind this is the miraculous active substance – ”Allicin” which is found in Garlic.
13. Avocado helps lower Cholesterol
Avocado is a good source of Oleic acid which is a monounsaturated Fat that helps in reducing Cholesterol.
14. Black Beans helps lower Cholesterol
Black Beans are rich in dietary fiber, which forms a complex with the Cholesterol and helps in excreting it out from the body thereby lowering Cholesterol levels.
15. Apples helps lower Cholesterol
Apples are rich in a special type of fibers called ”Pectin” and various other powerful antioxidants like Quercetin, Phloridzin, Catechin and Chlorogenic Acid which helps in lowering LDL (bad) Cholesterol levels and increasing HDL ( good) Cholesterol levels.
16. Green, leafy vegetables helps lower Cholesterol
Various Studies demonstrates that individuals who takes 4 or more servings of fruits and vegetables have lower LDL (bad) Cholesterol levels than those who takes fewer servings. Always prefer to eat dark green, leafy vegetables like – Spinach, Collard greens and Swiss Chard.
17. Raw carrots helps lower Cholesterol
Raw carrots contains a large quantity of fibre called pectin that helps in lowering Cholesterol. Fruits like – apples, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are also rich in pectin.
18. Sesame seeds helps lower Cholesterol
Sesame seeds are super- rich in a compound called phytosterols that helps to reduce LDL (bad) Cholesterol levels efficiently. eatables like – Celery, lettuce, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, ginger, squash and strawberries also contains phytosterols.
19. Pistachios helps lower Cholesterol

Pistachios remarkably lowers LDL (bad) Cholesterol levels.
20. Cranberries helps lower Cholesterol
Anti-oxidants present in Cranberries gradually slows LDL (bad) Cholesterol oxidation and thereby inncreases HDL (good) Cholesterol levels.
21. Pomegranate Juice controls Cholesterol damage
Anti-oxidants present in Pomegranate halters the Cholesterol Plaque buildup therby increases nitric oxide production which ultimately reduceses arterial plaque.
22. Shitake mushrooms helps lower Cholesterol
Shitake mushrooms containa an active component- Eritadenine which helps in reducing Cholesterol. These mushrooms also contains Lentinan, which not only reduces Cholestterol but has anti- cancer properties and also helps in boosting the immune system.
23. Prunes helps lower Cholesterol
Prunes are an excellent source of anti-oxidants and fibers which helps in reducing LDL (bad) Cholesterol levels.

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